Developers, entrepreneurs, individuals and institutions ! The Smart Contracts are not so SMART !
In today blockhains everyone use smart contracts for developming Web3 applications, but smart contracts are developed for ruleset needs applications and some specific sectors like Finance. Web3 will make everything more durable and performance. Also its will reduce the costs and make a new IT sector in a near future. But there is an problem, did you see any served and used Web3 application ? Where is the future ?
Smart contracts are often touted as a revolutionary innovation that will enable new forms of collaboration, governance, and commerce on the web. However, smart contracts also have serious limitations and risks that could undermine their potential benefits and pose challenges for Web3 transformation.
In this blog post, I will highlight some of the main criticisms of smart contracts and explain why they are not so smart for Web3 transformation. Because if we continue to use smart contracts for everything the future is wont came to our hands. We must be intelligent and fast for new IT.
1. Broke the Existing Infrastructure
The IT sector and all of our technologies is built on currently web2 systems. But now we want to make web3 transformation . But its now an switch its and buildozer. Its broke the existing systems existing knowledge and all thinks. But we must to transform our application without high IT cost and without broken systems.
Currently usage, smart contracts are an different layer, different system there is an problem. Why we must to use another infrastructure ? For example, if you are an python developer and if you want to develop an application in Blockchain. You cant use python. Its so dramatic because there is many developers that already use python, java, c and other big languages. Currently systems forcing to learning new systems that not enough documented and safe.

2. Complexity
Smart Contract and its systems from start to end, development, testing, deoploying and maintaining evertying is complex for a smart transformation.
Smart contracts are essentially computer programs that execute predefined actions when certain conditions are met, such as transferring funds or enforcing penalties. However, unlike traditional text-based contracts that can accommodate ambiguity and flexibility, smart contracts must be written in precise and unambiguous code that covers all possible scenarios and outcomes. This can make smart contracts difficult to design, test and debug, especially for complex transactions involving multiple parties and variables. Moreover, once deployed on a blockchain, smart contracts are immutable and irreversible, meaning that any flaws or vulnerabilities can have serious and costly consequences for the participants.

3. No Standards and interoperability
Developers need some standart practice in the libraries. Otherwise all developers can create different architecture and systems. Its so bad for development.
In smart contracts many thinks are not set and not ready to use. Everything is must be to rewriting. Standards are agreed-upon rules or specifications that ensure consistency and compatibility among different systems or platforms. Interoperability is the ability of different systems or platforms to communicate and exchange information with each other. For example, imagine a smart contract that automates a supply chain process involving multiple parties such as manufacturers, distributors, retailers and consumers.

4. Lowest Performance
Smart contracts are designed for executing financial and some special scenereous decentralized. And the smart contracts are running on every node and we cant reach high smart contract amounts because every contract needs a space and virtual execution environment and some machine sources.
But in many situation we dont need this operations. For example if you just want to send a message on blockchain to your friend you dont need to use smart contracts. You just need to putting your message inside the transaction “data” section and sending to network.
Optimal Way

Smart Contract Way

As you can see optimal ways dont broke existing infrustructure because its like an service and isolated also there is no new language and technologies its just run like an API and you just send your datas with recipient same as Internet. Another point everything is standarized and layered.
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